– there’s no one better equipped.
Stephen Wigley
Founder, CEO and UX Director
Steve’s Story: Starting off in HK, then the UK, then Malaysia, then Australia, Steve has travelled a bit, and picked up a thing or two on his travels. His passion for user experience is evident by the universal team groans of “Steve can you stop banging on about engagement please” and “Oh no, Steve’s reviewing the design AGAIN!”. He loves his rugby, windsurfing and cooking, and is never afraid of a good old fashioned sporting challenge from Tomoko, Andrea or Henry!
Andrea Deegan
UX & Digital Marketing
Andrea’s Story: She doesn’t half crack the whip when she needs to! Andrea is our General Manager, and no stone is left unturned. With a wicked sense of humour to soften even the most stressful days, she brings a competitive edge to any activity whether it be leisure or Burning Fruit related. Her obsession with classic cars is going to be costly, and she can’t help driving down West Coast Highway on a beautiful Sunday morning playing ‘spot the awesome car’.
Tomoko Kawaguchi
Project & Support Manager
Tomoko’s Story: Our fearless project manager came to us as a Uni work placement student, and never left! Hugely determined and committed to delivering an amazing customer experience, she has grown to be loved by our clients and is an amazing team player. An avid snowboarder, loves a good beer and always competitive on the bowling alley. We actually can’t find a sport Tomoko is not good at!
Dustin Hirten
Dustin’s Story: Originally from Germany, this extreme sportsman brings his skateboard with him at every opportunity. Our senior developer started with us as a tourist, but now is fully embedded in Australian culture – he loves his beer and a barbie! Dustin has the ability to bring solutions to the table to the point where there is nothing in development he can’t do with a work ethic that is second to none.
Henry Nguyen
Henry’s Story: Henry never likes coming second in anything, and is always up for any challenge. From the Filthy 50 to Risk to softball, his pursuit to victory cannot be held back. Originally a designer, Henry is now one of our lead developers, creating beautiful websites and complex apps that we are all proud of. His Vietnamese heritage means he loves a good feed, especially the Asian variety.
Harry Dell
Harry’s Story: When he presented his first design to us as a student, there was something about the way he designed that struck a Burning Fruit chord. Now a fully-fledged designer with over 50 designs under his belt, Harry has designed some of the most cutting-edge websites in Australia! All this whilst avidly into the Marvel universe! Quick witted and always willing to speak his mind, Harry can hold his own in any team discussion.